Monday, 16 December 2013

Cozy Classics - Jane Eyre

Cozy Classics – Jane Eyre by Jack and Holman Wang
Published by Simply Read Books
10th October 2013
Board book edition

If you haven’t been introduced to the Cozy Classics range of books yet, let me tell you about them!  It is a series of classics stories – Moby Dick, Pride & Prejudice and War & Peace to name just three of the titles in the series at present, and it is aimed at children from birth upwards.

Illustration from Tom Sawyer

The whale in Moby Dick

Please sir, I want some more!

Sounds a strange concept, reading Jane Eyre, or any other classic story to a baby, or child, but the idea is simple.  Tell the story through just 12 words, and accompany it with a needle-felted illustration.  It works!

I read Jane Eyre to my seven year old to gauge her reaction.  We read each word and talked about what we thought it might refer to – for example ‘pain’. We then looked at each picture and discussed it’s relevance to the word and what we thought might be going to happen next. 

She loved it!  It’s a fantastic concept and way of introducing children to classic stories that they are not yet able to access, but hopefully, through having this experience, will want to read in their original format when they are older.

The text is clear and simple, and the needle-felted illustrations are delightful.  Hopefully this series will grow and grow as more people discover it.  We certainly want to read more of them here!

Happy reading

Miss Chapter x

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! I was drawn in by the wool felted dolls, on Pinterest, but the books sound wonderful.


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