Saturday, 24 May 2014

101 Things for Kids to do Outside

101 Things for Kids to do Outside by Dawn Isaac
Published by Kyle Books
27th March 2014
Paperback Edition



Because it's about time you stopped staring at that screen and had a go at racing snails, playing human croquet, brewing potions, planting wigwams, setting traps, weaving nests, autographing pumpkins, hunting bears, making twig stars, building snow lanterns (and 91 more totally brilliant ideas that just won't fit on the back cover).

I could tell you that my family begins every day with a trek through the woods and ends it by singing songs round a campfire.  I could tell you that but it would be a BIG FAT LIE.  And, if you are that sort of family, who on earth are you sitting around reading this book?  There are bear traps waiting to be set and animal calls to practise.

Right, who's left?

Good.  This book is for you.

It's for those kids who like TV, movies, popcorn, lying in bed, wallowing in baths, hanging upside down off the sofa for no good reason and staying in pyjamas all day.  You see, you're the ones who need to get out a bit more.  You're the ones who suddenly realise it's five to six on a Sunday evening and you haven't left the house ALL weekend.  You're the ones who are so pale it's very difficult to see you when you sleep between white sheets.

And, when your parents gently suggest you might want to go outside for a few minutes, this book is to stop you moaning 'But there's nothing to do outside'.  Because guess what?  There is.  In fact, there are at least 101 things.  I know because I've written them down.

So get outside.  Race snails.  Make potions.  Go on a scavenger hunt.  Plant a potato tower. Get soaking wet.

You can even do these things whilst still wearing pyjamas.  What do I care?  I don't have to wash them.

Your parents are going to love me!


Dawn Isaac has written a fabulous book for every child and parent out there.  101 things to do outside is exactly that - with things to do in all seasons.  I can't wait to get my girls outside spending the holidays doing as much as possible, from setting up a potion lab, to creating a moonlight garden, there is something in here for every day, and more besides.  (In fact, don't tell anyone, as I really don't like snow, but I can't wait to actually build a snow lantern)!

You don't even need to be doing these things in the garden either, there are lots of suggestions for taking to the woods, the park and even on the beach.  Some activities can be done individually, some in teams, and lots involve water!!!!


If, like me, you plan to get your children out doing a bit more this year, Dawn Isaac has written the perfect book for all-year-round adventures.  Now...where's my string?

Happy Reading

Miss Chapter x

1 comment:

  1. This book sounds great!! loads of fun things to do - how many have you done yet!! xx


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